Aug 10, 2015 | SMB Technology
Wearable technology, especially Smartwatches, including the Apple Watch, the Samsung Gear, and the Microsoft Band, are all the rage and are expected to become even more popular over the coming years. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), 2015 will see as many as 72.1 million wearables shipped. They are popular and fashionable, but do they leave your network open to potential security breaches?
Jul 14, 2015 | SMB Technology
Disaster recovery and business continuity planning are processes that help organizations prepare for disruptive events—this might include a hurricane, an earthquake, a power outage caused by a fire or a cyber attack by hackers.
Jun 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
Have you noticed? The largest US Based Cyber-Security Hacks in recent years have all come up on the “vastly over-rated” AT&T Network? According to sources close to the investigation say that would just be a matter of fact. Not much satisfaction to the “infected” but here’s what AT&T says:
Jun 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
The new Windows 10 operating system is purported to be the best Windows ever. The combination of ease of use for new users, automatic updates, and built in security features is causing small to medium sized businesses to breathe a sigh of relief as business owners dream about spending less time and money on training and more energy on making money – finally.
Jun 17, 2015 | SMB Technology
Big data breaches have been making headlines more and more frequently. It was announced last week that the computer systems at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management had been breached. This is the second computer break-in in the past year for the agency. An estimated four million current and former federal employee records may have been compromised.