Jan 12, 2017 | SMB Technology, Technology News
Defending against Cyber threats is no easy task. Understanding the risks and designing a defense strategy are important steps in protecting yourself from Malicious actors and Cybercriminals. Staying current on Operating System and Application Patches, Restricting Network Access, and maintaining antivirus and malware protection are known ways to protect your network.
Nov 16, 2016 | SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News
It’s that time of year when many businesses are setting goals and budgets for next year. This is a good time to reflect on the impact technology can have on your business. While Cloud Computing adoption remains strong, companies will increase migration from Public to Private Cloud and even migrate back “on premise.” Cloud adoption, digital transformation and streaming media will increase the demand for bulletproof networking.
Jun 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
Have you noticed? The largest US Based Cyber-Security Hacks in recent years have all come up on the “vastly over-rated” AT&T Network? According to sources close to the investigation say that would just be a matter of fact. Not much satisfaction to the “infected” but here’s what AT&T says: https://www.csid.com/attcustomercare/
May 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
US ProTech named to the RSA Top-20 List of Security Solutions providers for 2015! Read the article published by CIO Review magazine about US ProTech’s CEO and founder, Jonathan Goetsch. To view the entire magazine, click here and read: New Tools That Demystify IT Security and Measurably Quantify Risk, by Goetsch.
Apr 28, 2015 | SMB Technology
From deep within the Secured Network Operation Center, thousands of software vulnerabilities are constantly monitored, investigated and vigorously blocked at the US ProTech, center of security intelligence. US ProTech asks “so, what’s really at risk in cybersecurity?”