In order to ensure that you are able to meet your regulatory security requirements, US ProTech offers several types of assessments:
1. PCI PAN Scans:
Test for unencrypted payment card data on your system to ensure that no improper application configuration or accidental storage of payment-card information on Word or Excel is threatening your compliance to PCI DSS. For a PCI PAN Scan sample, see below (under Regulatory Compliance Assessments Samples).
2. Gap Analysis:
US ProTech’s Bench-Marked Gap Analysis reports take you through every single aspect of your regulatory compliance posture. Every item of the law is examined and compared to what your current situation is. It the most comprehensive report you can imagine and includes all the other types of assessments described below. For a HIPAA Gap Analysis Report sample, see below (under Regulatory Compliance Assessments Samples).
3. Networks scans:
External scanning: Perhaps the most common type of network scan, this is where we test your vulnerability from an outsider’s perspective. This means that we try to find how well your security will uphold against someone from outside your company attempting to find a way in.
Internal scanning: Did you know that 70% of your network attack surface is internal? In other words, you are potentially most vulnerable from within your own network. This is why internal scanning is so important to ensure you operate at the highest levels of security.
Unauthenticated scanning: In this case, we assess your vulnerabilities from the perspective of someone who doesn’t have credentials. This is mainly helpful to find basic configuration issues or input and output validation type errors
Authenticated scanning: This type of scan tests your system’s vulnerabilities against attacks from someone who has credentials to your network. Since authenticated scanning gets “inside” your system, it allows for privilege escalation attack checks and the discovery of any business logic flaws that could become security defects.
Penetration & wireless testing:
Take the network security evaluation one step beyond by searching for ways to exploit potential vulnerabilities in the same way that anyone attempting to attack your system would. With the US ProSecure penetration testing tool and the efforts of our highly qualified experts, we are able to assess your true security posture and make sure that no cracks, however small, are ignored.
Web application scanning:
These tests, vital for companies which use web applications in their day-to-day operations, are a type of penetration test specifically adapted to these applications instead of traditional networks.
Physical audits:
Physical security is the first line of defense for any device or system and is therefore of the utmost importance. For this reason, US ProTech conducts physical audits which include step-by-step guides and comprehensive documentation, to ensure both regulatory compliance and best business practices are met.