US ProTech Meets White House Administration Staff for Private Briefing

US ProTech Meets White House Administration Staff for Private Briefing

Cybersecurity remains the center topic of business discussions throughout the Nation as we begin 2018. US ProTech, having been invited to a private White House briefing, is supporting the U.S. Government’s ambitious cybersecurity objective named “CDM” or Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation with its newest Cybersecurity Software: Anamo (

Attention Government and Defense Industry Contractors

US ProTech Launches New GRC App – Solves NIST 800 CyberSecurity Requirements. For an application demonstration, trial or more information, contact USProTech today.

US ProTech Named Global Top 20 Leader in Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), for the Fourth Straight Year!

The IoT Security Challenge

The internet of Things (IoT) is much-talked-about technology. Driven by low-cost sensors, ubiquitous connectivity and updates to the Internet Protocol (IP), IoT is rapidly being adopted. Research firm Gartner expects over 8 billion devices connected in 2017. Cities use IoT to relieve parking congestion by collecting data on open parking spots; farmers can measure moisture in soil; and manufacturers use this technology to track inventory in their supply chain. Because these devices may use machine-to-machine connectivity without human intervention, this can increase the IoT Security Challenge. Here are some security considerations for IoT.

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