Oct 21, 2015 | SMB Technology
With almost one billion mobile connections in place, it is easy to understand why these devices are targeted by hackers. Employees connecting at Starbucks, in airports, on planes and in hotels open themselves up to additional security breach risk by accessing information through mobile hotspots. Mobile hotspots can be easy targets for hackers by setting up spoofs to get your employees to unknowingly log into unsecure networks, making them vulnerable to Man in the Middle (MitM) exploits. As an employer, it may be impossible to prevent employees from using hotspots, so it is very important to take steps to protect your business.
Oct 13, 2015 | SMB Technology
According to a recent Trends in Information Security report by CompTIA, malware, hacking, privacy and data loss/leakage top the list of serious concerns over security threats. Companies large and small have been victims of these security threats. While large corporate security breaches makes the news, smaller companies may not have the vigilance to detect, and the resilience to survive a network security breach. Hackers have evolved and are now more sophisticated than ever. Network Monitoring can identify security exploits before it is too late.
Sep 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
Everyday there are reports of businesses being targeted with security attacks. The list of large companies being hit is long. Small businesses are equally vulnerable to security hackers and may be less resilient. To say that security is a top business concern seems unnecessary. Most companies understand that security is not something to be taken lightly. In a recent CompTIA survey, 74 percent of business leaders said that security is a higher priority today than it was two years ago.
Sep 9, 2015 | SMB Technology
Since the July release of Windows 10, the tech world has been talking about the latest update from Microsoft. According to Microsoft, within one day of its release, more than 14 million users had downloaded Windows 10. Microsoft is rolling the new product out in phases, so how will you be sure your network is ready for the new Windows?
Aug 21, 2015 | SMB Technology
Are you ready to embrace the benefits of the Cloud? Whether your company is ready to acquire new software-as-a-service (SaaS) capabilities or in need of infrastructure upgrades via infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Cloud has now reached new heights in the small and medium-sized business (SMB) world. According to current research by International Data Corporation (IDC), fifty percent of all companies are using at least one public SaaS offering, with a further 20% planning to implement such a service within the year. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and (IaaS) are less used today, but there is interest and growth in that direction.
Aug 10, 2015 | SMB Technology
Wearable technology, especially Smartwatches, including the Apple Watch, the Samsung Gear, and the Microsoft Band, are all the rage and are expected to become even more popular over the coming years. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), 2015 will see as many as 72.1 million wearables shipped. They are popular and fashionable, but do they leave your network open to potential security breaches?
Jul 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
In order to keep your business up and running and to avoid being hacked, your company must develop an effective password management policy. This is especially true for any business that must comply with HIPAA, PCI, and/or other regulatory compliances, as regulatory scrutiny and fines can be costly and time consuming. The following four steps can help protect your business from disruption.
Jul 14, 2015 | SMB Technology
Disaster recovery and business continuity planning are processes that help organizations prepare for disruptive events—this might include a hurricane, an earthquake, a power outage caused by a fire or a cyber attack by hackers.
Jun 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
Have you noticed? The largest US Based Cyber-Security Hacks in recent years have all come up on the “vastly over-rated” AT&T Network? According to sources close to the investigation say that would just be a matter of fact. Not much satisfaction to the “infected” but here’s what AT&T says: https://www.csid.com/attcustomercare/
Jun 22, 2015 | SMB Technology
The new Windows 10 operating system is purported to be the best Windows ever. The combination of ease of use for new users, automatic updates, and built in security features is causing small to medium sized businesses to breathe a sigh of relief as business owners dream about spending less time and money on training and more energy on making money – finally.
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