CEO’s… On the Hook for Millions!

CEO’s… On the Hook for Millions!

If you could avoid a Million-Dollar Fine, would you care? Today, CEO’s are being required to personally sign both for legal responsibility and for the massive fines being imposed related to cybersecurity non-compliance, and “yes,” that’s even before a cybersecurity breach has even happened.  

NCLA Security Breach Notification Laws

NCLA Security Breach Notification Laws

All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have enacted legislation requiring private or governmental entities to notify individuals of security breaches of information involving personally identifiable information.

The U.S. Government Prepares New Cybersecurity Task Force

The U.S. Government Prepares New Cybersecurity Task Force

Attention Aerospace & Defense Contractors:  Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has created a new task-force to ensure Cybersecurity in DoD contracts has equal weighted value to Performance, Quality, and Cost of Proposal. Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and Cybersecurity will emerge as one discipline driving the need for Aerospace and Defense (A&D) contractors to adopt significantly better controls, documentation and System Security Plan reporting capabilities.

Government Cybersecurity CDM Initiative finds Anamo at US ProTech

Government Cybersecurity CDM Initiative finds Anamo at US ProTech

Besides the application known as Anamo (, What other Cybersecurity software has solved the ability to provide (Near Real-Time) alert notifications when a port is either, opened, closed or more importantly “modified”? The list of companies that find this impossible include Tenable, Qualys, Rapid7 (just to name a few) but in fact, Anamo is the only commercially available product that does deliver.

US ProTech Meets White House Administration Staff for Private Briefing

US ProTech Meets White House Administration Staff for Private Briefing

Cybersecurity remains the center topic of business discussions throughout the Nation as we begin 2018. US ProTech, having been invited to a private White House briefing, is supporting the U.S. Government’s ambitious cybersecurity objective named “CDM” or Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation with its newest Cybersecurity Software: Anamo (

Attention Government and Defense Industry Contractors

US ProTech Launches New GRC App – Solves NIST 800 CyberSecurity Requirements. For an application demonstration, trial or more information, contact USProTech today.

US ProTech Named Global Top 20 Leader in Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), for the Fourth Straight Year!

US ProTech gets the scoop into the FBI’s Most Wanted Cyber-Criminals

US ProTech gets the scoop into the FBI’s Most Wanted Cyber-Criminals

What does the Nation of Iran, 144 American Universities and US ProTech have in common? Let’s answer that question right now and discuss “how did they do it and what did they get.” Sure, some of the questions we’ll address are technically sophisticated but the weaknesses exploited could also be considered criminally negligent.

Anamo, Inc. Ranked Top 20 Cyber Security Technology in Digital Threat Intelligence Management Sector by CIO Review Magazine™

Anamo, the leader in digital threat management today announced that it has been named a 2018 Technology Leader by an analyst publication CIO Review Magazine (CIO) in a recent report. The report evaluates threat intelligence management providers by their solution impact and deployment cost efficiency, with Anamo ranking as exceptional in both categories.

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